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We initiate every of our aircraft designing and analysis projects with attentive review of goals, mission, and objectives. 

Aerospace Design Analysis

Are you interested in gaining insights into the performance of your design or reducing the risk of an expensive prototype failing or gaining an edge over your competition with an optimized design? If so, then our engineering analysis services can help!

why use Engineering Analysis Services

  • Optimize your design for cost & performance.

  • Discover why a failure occurred and implement design solutions.

  • Prevent stress concentrations from causing a failure.

  • Implement an analysis-driven design process instead of using a guess test and revise method.

  • Pass stringent design requirements and qualification testing faster with fewer iterations.

Analysis services

We provide the services our clients need. If a service is needed for your project that is not listed let us know and we will work to meet your needs.



Click a link below for more details about the following Analysis services:

Image by Max McKinnon

Computer-Aided Engineering CAE Service

Computer-Aided Engineering (CAE) services can take the guesswork out of your design through the use of computer modeling. ASR’s Analysis Engineers are CAE experts using Finite Element Analysis (FEA) and Computation Fluid Dynamics (CFD) to analytically drive design decisions.

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Finite Element Analysis

MARSE engineers use Finite Element Analysis (FEA) as a tool to predict the structural and thermal performance of your product or solution.  These predictions can be used for a wide range of applications.

Computational fluid Dynamics CFD


​With the use of CFD, we can analyze fluid behavior in aerodynamics, heat transfer, hydrodynamics, icing, micro-fluidics, and more. CFD provides a powerful mathematical model to generate computer simulations of fluid flow without the need for expensive physical testing.

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Image by Max McKinnon

Structural Analysis

​The structural analysis encompasses all aspects of ensuring a component meets its mechanical durability requirements.  The analysis types that may be required include:

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Dynamic & Vibration Analysis

Products and structures including rockets, satellites, smartphones, high-rise buildings, helicopters, turbines, and more need to be designed and analyzed for dynamic and vibration loading. Our dynamic and vibration analysis capabilities include:


Fatigue & Fracture Toughness: Durability Analysis

In order to prevent customer disappointment from a lack of durability, it is critical to have an understanding of a product's fatigue and fracture toughness life. Durability can be simplified to be the ability of a product to be used many times.

Image by Max McKinnon
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Thermal Analysis

Whether you’re looking to develop a combustion engine, heater, electric motor, steam turbine, spacecraft, rocket engine, electric system, or manufacturing equipment, thermal properties play a critical role in the success of your project. We apply Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and Finite Element Analysis (FEA) to analyze thermal properties for thermal management design validation and optimization.

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Composite Analysis

Composite analysis can significantly improve the efficiency of your design by allowing for optimization and can find and fix failure points prior to investment in expensive prototypes.

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Icing Analysis

Getting an aircraft to pass FAA approval for flying in icing conditions requires rigorous analysis and testing. Defense and private aircraft which may also encounter icing conditions need to be designed and analyzed in order to keep passengers safe. We use icing analysis software to guide the design and implementation of ice protection equipment.

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